This is just a diary.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Content Library Flash for Samsung TV (2009 models)

I have just got a new TV and tried to download more content from the Samsung website. Unfortunately due to their bizarre use of JavaScript it I was unable to download them... So I have just extracted the direct links here:





These are links copied from Samsung Medi@ 2.0 web site on 18 December 2009.

These Content Library Flash files are supposed to be compatible with Samsung TV 2009 models (the ones where model contains letter B, for example Samsung LCD 46'' model LA46B650)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Scala swing - listening to Table selection events

I'm now trying to learn a new programming language - Scala.

It took me ages to figure out what's going on with the table selection events. Unfortunatelly there does not seem to be any good and free documentation available to cover scala.dbc or scala.swing packages.

The relevant bits of code to react to cell selection events are provided below:
import swing._
import event._

object topicsTable extends Table()


reactions += {
case TableRowsSelected(`topicsTable`, range, adjusting) => {

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Slashdot stories and comments as EPUB books

I have recently got Sony PRS-505 an electronic book reader. It's a nifty device that let's me read stuff, however I have not really found any really easy way to convert web pages that I want to read to EPUB format.

Printing stuff to PDF is tricky in the sense that browsers usually add pahe headers, footers and the PRS-505 has to display those even on reformatted pages.

Hence I decided to build a script that would take a snapshot of the Slashdot front page articles and produce a reasonably nicely formatted EPUB.

I'm planning to schedule this script to run every 12 hours and publish all those snaphosts here.

Update 22-August-2009

Upload of epub files was broken and has been fixed now. All the files used to be uploaded broken as the FTP client was using the text transfer mode rather than binary.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The stars of my favourite comedy Peep Show have just earned new respect in my eyes with this skeptical comedy clip:

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009


NZ Herald:
"It's not that I'm superstitious, but it's just better to be safe than sorry," Mr Tan said.
But doesn't that match of superstition?
1 a: a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation
b: an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition
2: a notion maintained despite evidence to the contrary